Getting Started with usDSM
Please insert the list of synonymous mutations using the tab separated values format chr, pos, id, ref, alt (GRCh37/hg19 assembly). The maximum accepted numbers are 10,000 mutations. If you upload mutations larger than 10,000, the webserver will return a warning message (The maximum number of mutations are 10000). If you have a whole exome sequencing dataset for a patient, you should identify synonymous mutations using VEP tool. And then, uploading the VCF file of your synonymous mutations.
Step 1. Paste VCF format or upload VCF file.
You can choose whether to leave an Email address to receive the prediction result automatically.
Step 2. Obtain the prediction result.
After clicking the ‘Submit’ button, you will skip to the result page. And if you leave an Email address, you can receive an email with the result. On the result page, the corresponding predictive probability and predictive class are added in the last two columns for each synonymous mutation (chr, pos, id, ref, alt). Furthermore, the output file with VCF format or CSV format are provided.